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Reflection Post 4

Hi everyone! I can't believe my genius hour is done. It's been a crazy couple weeks, and let me tell you, boy I am happy I've had yoga to get me through it. This experience has taught me a lot. I've always been interested in yoga but intimidated to join a studio, but this was just the push I needed! A little status report on my goals for you: - yoga did help relieve some of my stress - I was able to go on average of 3 times a week - it didn't really help my sleeping patterns as much as I thought it would, BUT when I couldn't fall asleep, I would get up and do a couple poses that I learned in class and I found that that little bit of stretching right before bed helped - my posture didn't improve significantly either, but I did find that I am more aware of it now, so I guess you could say that that's still a work in progress - and no, sadly I still cannot touch my toes. I've taken some time to reflect on this experience, and some things I wou...

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